So I am reading watching the youtube series on how to lose weight, both in Chinese and English. And I decided to document a bit and create some new year resolutions.

How to lose the weight

The key point is to create caloric deficit which means caloric expend should be more than cloric intake.


  • current personal metrics (12/27/2022)
    • height: 172cm (5’7 feet)
    • weight: 85kg (187.4 pounds)
    • age: 28
  • calculated metrics
    • bmi: 28.7
    • basal metabolism: 67+13.73*85+5*172-6.9*28=1900.85 kcal
    • calorie expenditure: 1900*1.6=3040 kcal
  • expected total caloric intake
    • protein 85*2=170g
      • egg: 73 kcal, 7 g protein per ( ~5 eggs per day, 350 kcal, 35g protein)
      • milk: 166 kcal, 8 g protein per 250ml (~500ml per day, 300 kcal, 16g protein)
    • carbs
      • rice: 232 kcal, 52 g carbs per fist (~5 fists per day if only rice, 1250 kcal, 250 g carbs)
      • fruits: 80 kcal, 20 g carbs per fist (~1 fist per day, 80 kcal, 20 g carbs)
    • fat
      • nuts: 114 kcal 10 g fat for 10 pieces small nuts
    • DO NOT
      • do NOT eat: noodle, porridge, banana, durian, avocado, coconut meat, perserved fruit, juice
      • do NOT consume during non-exercise time: bread, energy drink
      • do NOT eat: fat, animal skin, fried food, snack

What to do?

  • food
    • calcualte what is total caloric intake to be expected then intake enough protein, then the rest should be assigned to carbs and fat
    • low calorie density foods: water & vegetables
    • food recipe reference:
      • 3.5 fists lean meat
      • 250ml milk/soy milk
      • 2 full eggs
      • 1 cup of protein whey
      • 4 fists of vegetables
      • 2 L plain water
      • 2 fists rice
      • 1 fist doufu
      • 1 fist fruit
      • 10 pieces small nut
      • 1 slice of bread before exercising
    • eat meal replacements only at night or when you want some snacks
    • lose fat not muscle
    • when bmi too high, it’s easy to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time
    • but when bmi gets lower, we should focus on the muscle-fat ratio, and check the wasit, essentially you should look good
  • gym exercise
    • strength training + HIIT
    • warm up
    • plan A (leg day)
      • 六角杠铃蹲拉
      • 杠铃深蹲
      • 哑铃箭步蹲
      • 平板支撑
      • HIIT (划船机间歇组)15秒冲刺,45秒缓慢, 10次循环,20组
      • 拉伸
    • plan B (chest day)
      • 杠铃卧推
      • T杆推肩
      • 上斜俯身划船
      • 侧平板支撑
      • HIIT (划船机间歇组)15秒冲刺,45秒缓慢, 10次循环,20组
      • 拉伸
  • home exercise
    • 弹力绳深蹲推举
    • 弓步弹力绳推胸 (注意收紧核心)
    • 弹力绳肩背超级组 (弹力绳拉背 + 侧平举)
    • HIIT 3组 (组间休息30秒)
      • 高抬腿 20s
      • 弓步走 16步
      • 俯身起立 15次
      • 平板支撑 45秒
  • Non-Excercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) 非运动性热量消耗
    1. 每天站够两小时
    2. 每天散步两次,每次半小时
    3. 每天做两次家务
    • 原则是能动就多动
  • 饮食禁忌
    1. 无意识进食
    • 定量记录
    1. 油脂陷阱
    • 羊肉卷/牛肉卷
    • 鸡翅/鸡爪
    • 带皮肉类
    • 动物内脏
    • 加工肉类
    • 炒蔬菜 (吃清淡)
    • 酒精 (小心代谢劫持)
    • 含糖饮料 (果汁有果糖,容易造成内脏脂肪的堆积) 建议喝 白开水,黑咖啡和茶

How to increase Testosterone

  • lose weight
  • exercise (high intense)
  • proper diet
    • avoid processed foods
    • eat natural foods, fruits and veggies
    • soy products won’t impact testosterone level
  • good sleep (8 hours)
    • don’t need to wake up early
    • better to sleep a bit late
    • reduce sleep interruptions
    • avoid using your phone before bedtime
    • establish a bedtime routine
  • avoid endocrine distrupting chemicals
    • don’t use plastic containers
    • don’t warm up in plastic containers
    • cut back on use of cans
    • look for bpa-free products

How to get better sleep

  1. regulartiy
  2. temperature
    • keep it cool
    • best around 18 degree Celsius
  3. darkness
    • tigger the hormone called melatonin
    • wear eye-mask
  4. walk it out
    • brain is associative device, so if cannot fall into sleep we need to break the association that bed is a trigger of wakefulneess
    • only return to bed when sleepy -> relearn the association
  5. monitor alcohol & caffeine
    • stay away from caffeine in the afternoon and in the evening
  6. wind down routine
    • sleep is a physiological process, similar to landing a plane
    • it takes time for the brain to gradually descend down
    • disengage from the computer and the phone

A bit more extreme diet (Low calorie diet)

  • the first thing: half the calorie intake
  • male 1200 Kcal
  • diet proportion, carbs : protein : fat = 5 : 3 : 2 -> 4 : 4 : 2 (2 : 2 : 1)
    • carbs 100g protein 100g fat 22g
  • the sample diet image will be in the comments

1st season weight plan

  • target goal 70kg
  • current weight 80kg
  • 1/24/2023-3/15/2023 (7 weeks)